Jinlingguan Zhenhu Infant Formula Milk Powder
Chinese patented, first super third-generation OPO with enhanced absorption
1. Third-generation OPO and dual probiotics for easy absorption
2. Active protein OPN and patented nucleotide combination for nutritional benefits
3. Thin milk fat membrane and bird's nest acid provide natural nourishment
4. Made from 1% fresh ranch milk of premium quality
Jinlingguan Ruihu Infant Formula Milk Powder
The first dual-protein formula with OPN and lactoferrin
1. OPN active protein stimulates self-care potential
2. Rare lactoferrin extends colostrum's protective benefits
3. Made from 100% grass-fed raw milk for maximum nutrition in a single milk powder product
Jinlingguan Sainamu Infant Formula Milk Powder
Chinese patented organic formula with triple natural protection
1. First organic OPO and quad probiotics for easy absorption
2. High lactoferrin and organic OPN active protein for nutritional benefits
3. High DHA and cephalin for brain development
4. Made from fresh organic A2 raw milk, certified organic by Chinese and European standards
Jinlingguan Youzi Lamb Infant Formula Milk Powder
Chinese patented pro-living formula with six growth forces, easy to absorb
1. Made from 100% pure goat milk and milk-source OPO
2. OPN active protein and rare brain phospholipids for development
3. Probiotics and patented nucleotides
Jinlingguan Jinghu Infant Formula Milk Powder
Chinese patented formula made from carefully selected A2 raw milk for super protection
1. Made from 1% fresh ranch A2 raw milk for premium quality
2. High-quality lactoferrin for nutritional benefits
Jinlingguan Yuhu Infant Formula Milk Powder
Patented pro-living formula with mental development nutrition,easy to absorb
Thin milk-source OPO and 5X quint DHA
Patented nucleotides combination and a+β innovative Protein combination
4X Quad probiotics for easy absorption and dual prebiotics